Police Clearance Certificate/ Global Entry Permit Police Clearance Certificate/ Global Entry Permit

Police Clearance Certificate/ Global Entry Permit

Police Clearance Certificate/ Global Entry Permit

Online Application
Link for filling the Application Form online and printing copy for submission at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/ and select Mexico as country

Application Submission

In person:-

09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Mon- Fri on all working days. (Prior appointment mandatory)

Please check the list of holidays in the Embassy’s web page (www.indiainmexico.gov.in)

Processing Time

4 to 5  weeks (tentative)

Documents Required

Note: the list of documents is indicative and not exhaustive. Further information may be requested during review of application.

1. The PCC application form dully filled, signed and pasted with a photo.

2. Applicant's valid original Indian passport and a photocopy of pages containing personal particulars and passport officer´s observation (s) if any.

3. Original and copy of legal Residence in Mexico (FM card).

4 (a) Copy of proof of residential address in Mexico i.e. electricity, water, telephone bill in the name of applicant or any family member  (If utility bills are in the name of owner, then copy of owners Id is required)  or

   (b) Copy of a lease deed /rent agreement with a copy of l owner’s Mexican ID.
5. Original Letter of Employer in English, signed by the authorized signing authority of the company addressed to the Consular Officer, Embassy of India, Mexico City,    stating date of appointment and position in the Company. In case of private business, copy of Company’s Registration with SAT.

6. Annexure E filled up in advance & signed before Consular Officer.

7. Two photographs size (5X5 cms), in color with white Background.

Change of particulars from the current passport (refer below for details)

Supporting documents to be produced in original and copy to be attached with the application

1. Applicant is required to fill all blank part of the application by blue/black pen after printing the application form. Signature/Thumb impression of the applicant should be clear and strictly within the box provided in the application form.
2. Photographs- Two color photographs of size 2 inch X 2 inch with white background one pasted on the application form and other to be attached with the application.
3. All copies submitted should be attested as : TRUE COPY signed by the applicant with date.


Fee and Mode of payment :

Fee to be deposited in respective banks and it is required to  send/bring  original fee payment receipts.

Bank Name: HSBC Bank
A/c Name: Embajada de la Republica de la India
A/c No.: 0199300451

MXN $ 420

Bank Name: Scotia Bank
A/c Name:Embajada de la Republica de la India
A/c No.:104978276

MXN $ 40

Do not deposit complete fee in one bank.

Delivery options and Timing

From the Embassy Gate: 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM (please bring receipt)
By Courier : Attach pre-paid Courier receipt along with the application.

Related Queries

Tel: +52155311050, Ext-114 and 124.
